First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1*
Address Line 2 *
City *
County *
Country *
Date of Birth
Email *
Telephone *
How would you prefer us to contact you? *
PPS Number
Job Description
Employment Status
EmployedSelf-EmployedA Combination of Both Are you registered as a self-employed person in Ireland
YesNoDon't Know What is the last year you paid Irish tax
In 2024, Where were you working outside of Ireland? List the location of each job and the duration of time (in days) you spent working there
Job 1
Job 2
Job 3
Job 4
Job 5
Job 6
Job 7
Job 8
Job 9
Job 10
In each of the below years, can you insert the total days you were completely outside of Ireland for each of the listed years.
2025 (Expected)
What were you doing before you started working outside of Ireland
Self-EmployedPAYE Earner (Employee)Other Other
What is the name of your current employer or the company who pays your current income
Where is this individual/company based (where is it's head office)
How often do you get paid
What payment method is used
Do you receive proof of earnings from your employer, such as a payslip
YesNo Is there tax deducted from your earnings?
YesNo Is there National Insurance or PRSI deducted from your earnings?
YesNo At a guess, how much do you expect to earn in 2024
Do you have a log or discharge book for your trips outside Ireland for the company or individual you work for?
Are you married *
Have you an accountant at present? *
If you were living outside Ireland when working, what address did you stat at in each particular tax year?
Do you have a Foreign Tax Number in any other country?