Here at Barry Accountants, we try and avoid surprises

The better we help you understand what we do, the better you can assemble what you need for us routinely.

I will always hear what you have to say about your business and issues and from there we work out the best way forward. we also like to see what you have in mind:

  • for the next year,
  • 3 years and
  • exit strategy

Even if you haven’t thought about this yet, it’s no harm for me to provoke those thoughts. The least you will get out of it is an exciting dinner conversation with someone close to you.

Separate to that, I try and have the accounting systems follow your business, rather than have your business change what it does to suit me. Very quickly though, I will have some time saving and labour saving tips that will cut your book keeper costs and accountant costs, pretty immediately.

The sooner you get in contact, the sooner I can start helping you at Barry accountants.

Contact me here

The main people we will help you with are yourself, Revenue, the Companies Office and your team. One year in from dealing with us, you will be well accustomed on :

  • what records to keep and not keep.
  • Getting paid will be easier
  • Making money will be easier