At , if you make a profit, it’s super easy to overpay your taxes.


1. Chase all Business Related Receipts.
If you want to overpay your tax, lose and throw away receipts
2. Rent a Room Out in your Home
€14,000 per year is tax free as long as you also live in the house.
3. Registering a start up as a business
Many part time businesses lose money, keep track of the cost and claim it against your main business.
4. Looking after Mum & Dad
Donate up to 5% of your income to your parents. You don’t pay tax on this income, and if they are of low income and are over 65, they won’t pay tax either.
5. Married People working pay less tax than
Unmarried Couples Living together
6. Keep a Diary of where you went and what you did:
7. Claim Tax Free Mileage and Overnight Allowance
Doing this properly saves thousands
8. Train Employees
A trained person will make you money.
9. Interview your Accountant on what they can do for you
10. Download the barryaccountants app onto your phone. (It’s in the app store)


Don’t waste that hard-earned profit.

Contact Me Here if ever you want to chat about anything!