Brian O Driscoll was in the midlands for an event while at the peak of his career. He arranged training time at a local rugby club. When asked what he would work on, he famously replied;
“My Passing, my catching and my tackling,”
The lesson in this is, the basics must always be addressed in your business no matter how well you think you might be doing. Your competitors will always be after your customers.
Where is the BlackBerry phone these days?
At Christmas and into January, many competitors are slow in returning to full throttle. Use this time to look at your costs and personal spending to see can you reduce or shed unwanted or un needed items?
Switching electricity provider is annual for instance. The deals they offer seem to last 1 year only then bump up. By switching you stay on the lowest rate for this interchangeable product.
Contact me anytime for a consultation if you want to know more!